I’m so happy! It seems like spring has come to LA…the birds are nesting and the sun is hot. It’s been a very busy time for me and the humans too. Work at the studio is very busy and the humans have started a thing called renovation in one of the bathrooms….it involves lots of …
Tag Archives: Rescue
New Movie.
I finally finished my new movie and here it is! It’s a comedy so I hope it made you smile!
The Return of the Sun.
Ahhhh, the sun came back after nearly a week of torrential downpours. And may I say it was not a moment too soon. It was getting really boring not being able to go places without getting soaked. This morning I decided to soak up as many rays as possible and recharge my vitamin D supply. …
Boring Rainy Day.
The last few days it’s been raining a lot here in LA so I’m not going on many adventures. I guess it’s my fault. My human grandparents called to tell me how cold it was there and I said it was nice and sunny here and then….blam, it started raining…. and raining and raining …
Busy, Busy.
Whew, what a busy day! I got up early and started my day by going to the hospital to do my pet therapy rounds. I visited so many humans and covered all 5 floors of the hospital. It was worth it because I got lots of pets, some cookies and made a lot of humans …
Ancient Instincts.
Last night there was a really good documentary on PBS called “Dogs That Changed The World”, about the origins of dogs and how we evolved to live with humans. Actually it spoke a lot about how humans might not of survived without us. See, I told you we were important! Through evolution dogs have been …
Photogenic Pup.
Look at this! My friend Boomer, a handsome 12 year old Golden who lives in Las Vegas, made this cover for me…thanks Boomer! Maybe I should get an agent to do photo shoots, BOL! Today was a beautiful sunny day here in Los Angeles and I enjoyed every minute of it, relaxing in the yard. …
Check Up.
Today I went to see Dr. Hernandez, my vet, for my check up. She works at Pet Medical Center in Santa Monica and she takes really good care of me. I jumped in the car and was ready to go. As usual I ended up waiting for the humans to get ready. They are so …
Pet Therapy Prep.
Yesterday was my day to go to the hospital and do my pet therapy rounds. That meant bath time the night before. Well, it’s actually shower time for me. I just walk in the shower and get sprayed with the massage sprayer. It feels pretty good. Maybe I should open a chain of dog spas…”Spencer’s …
Storm 2008!
Everyone was talking about the big storm that hit the west coast yesterday. Of course on the local LA news they make even a shower sound like the “End Of The World” (said with really big reverb and echo), so I took it all in stride. I had a good play in the morning and …
Garden Toys.
Today we installed my Christmas present to my humans…the present other than my smiling snout. I gave them a golden retriever weathervane to put in the garden. It looks a little like me when I puff myself up and it spins in the wind too. Well, I don’t spin in the wind but if I …
Happy New Year!
Here we are on the last day of 2007 and I’m looking back on what a great year it was. It was my first full year with my adopted humans and what a year it was! We had lots of adventures together. I met lots of great clients working at the studio, went on many …
Christmas Wrap Up.
Christmas has come and gone and I had a great time…lots of cookies, presents and love….what else does a dog need? Maybe a good roach in the grass. I did an extra good one for all my friends whose grass is covered in snow right now. This is how we do Christmas in Los Angeles. …
More Presents!
I got more presents! That’s right, I’m spoiled. These are from my friend Lola, a really cute bulldog. I am addicted to tennis balls but Lola found some new toys that I really like. First, I got a frisbee called a Zogoflex Zisc. I had to give it a good sniff when I got …
We had a party last week and I got some presents. Look at this…a present all for me from my friend Deborah! Can you guess what’s in there? Whoo hoo, lots of tennis balls! How did she know I love tennis balls, BOL?! I had to dive right in and test them out. Look at …
Cookie Product Control.
We made cookies this week. I am the official cookie tester. I wait until they are done and then I eat them to make sure they taste good. It’s a hard job…especially the waiting… and waiting…come on cookies! Finally! Look at all the cookies! Mmmmm! When I am all done testing I wash them …
Crow Central.
With winter (which is not much different than fall, here in southern California) there is extra activity with the wild life. Particularly squirrels and crows. The squirrels are busy burying anything even slightly edible all over the yard. I saw a fat squirrel trying to carry an avocado that was as big as he was…it …
Waiting For Santa Paws.
This week I got a Christmas tree and decorated it…ok, so I did have some help from the humans, but I did give it a good sniff to make sure no one had peed on it. It smells very nice and pine fresh actually. Once we got it all decorated I decided to …
Rainy Day.
Today it’s raining out so I’m lounging around. It’s a little chilly for a southern California dog, so I have my comfy blanket with me all the time. The humans say I look like a little race horse walking around with it on my back. Even though I’m staying in out of the rain, I …
Tag I’m It.
I was recently tagged by Techie & Izzie for the 8 random facts tag. Hmmm, is there anything new about me to reveal? Let me see… I have quite possibly the thickest ears of any dog on the planet. I hit the door with my paw, just once, when I want to go out. I …