Sky & Jake

Sky & Jake are a good example of the different shades Golden Retrievers come in. We’ve had reds and golds and they are both very pretty or handsome in the case of these 2 fellows. Sky is trying to entice Jake to play but they have very different styles of playing. Sky likes to wrestle …


Jake is settling in to our home and we are finding out new things about him as he does. Goldens are hunting dogs and Jake has the nose of a keen hunter. He puts his nose to the ground and sniffs every tiny scent. Jake is very keen on moving things so he would not …


Meet Jake, our latest foster who showed up rather suddenly yesterday afternoon. Two year old Jake has been shuffled around in his short life and just wants to settle down with one family for the rest of his days. This youngster is still adjusting to his latest stop but Sky was eager to help him …


Sky missed Candy the day after she went home but we lavished him with love and he’s doing better now. We are starting to know more about Sky’s personality. He has some puppy traits about him, he likes to dig (I don’t know what it is about our peach tree, but if a dog is …


This is Sky, our newest foster. His real name is Skylar but we thought that was too Hollywood for a dog and call him Sky instead. He doesn’t seem to mind. Sky’s family turned him over to rescue and he’s not sure why, so he’s been very sad since he got here. Candy is helping …

Remembering The Original Red Dog

Today  would have been the 12th birthday  of our first Golden Retriever, Raja. He was our first heart dog, the one who taught me what really matters in life. I have never met anyone, human or dog, that lived every day to it’s fullest as well as Raja. He savored each moment like a new …

Thank You-update.

Hello everyone, Spencer’s humans here. We just wanted to say very big, heartfelt “Thank You” for the outpouring of love and support we have received from so many during our time of mourning. All your cards, messages and e-mails have brought us so many smiles and have helped heal our hearts. Not a day goes …

Rain, Rain, Go Away.

After a week of beautiful sunshine, I woke up to this today…rain. So instead of my morning walk, I hung out in the doorway and watched the rain fall. Notice how I  conveniently  got the humans to put my blanket there for me? After work I came home and snuggled up on my living room …

Hello 2009!

Hello 2009! I stayed up to midnight and celebrated with a cookie, some milk and big hugs from my humans. It was the perfect start to the new year. The first day of the year was excellent here in Los Angeles. It was a beautiful sunny day and I spent most of it outside, playing …

Happy Holidays!

Hi everyone! I don’t have much time to visit all my friends lately but I want to take time to say thanks for visiting me.  I hope everyone one has a GReat holiday (with lots of tennis balls and chewies!)  &  a very happy New Year! wags, Spencer

Meditation For Dogs.

I feel pretty good this week. I think my  acupuncture  and Adequan treatments are helping a lot. So I played a lot and then I relaxed a lot. I like to chill on my West Paws nap bed. It’s nice and portable too so we roll it up and take it with us to my …

Micro Nose World.

My nose is very sensitive… it smells things close up… like red hot  chilies…. and yellow  flowers…. I can even smell the spray of the drops of water from the fountain… and the roses… as well as the limes…. I don’t get too close to smell this cactus because it’s prickly… but I like to …

More Tiny Needles.

Today I went for my second treatment of acupuncture as part of my treatment for arthritis and hip dysplasia. This time I was prepared and took my West Paw Eco Nap Bed. It rolls up just like a yoga mat, and I just love it! It makes you feel comfy no matter where you are. …

Pet Therapy Monday.

Yesterday was my day to go to do pet therapy at Northridge Hospital. I get really happy to go when my HM starts getting all our things ready. I sit somewhat patiently and watch her ironing our outfits and packing my cookies. Let’s get this show on the road! We are part of a group …

The Ups & (Mostly) Downs Of Getting Old.

Hello everyone, it’s me, Spencer, back at last! Sorry I’ve been away so long. There has been a lot going on here and it was difficult to get online. I have been very busy at work and with the pet therapy program at the hospital. Part of my job at the hospital is to help …

Bath Renovation Roundup.

 When we moved into our house one of the bathrooms was this crazy pink bathroom from 1945…believe me,  that is a lot of pink!   So this year we decided it had to go.  All those TV DIY shows make the demo part look fun but it’s actually the worst…big messes and lots of dust! …

Beautiful Packages With Pawesome Surprises.

One of my blog readers, Eva, has a wonderful site alilsumptinsumptin  that features her original handmade jewelry. Recently she made a necklace  dedicated in memory of Ben & Jerry. My human mom has admired  Eva’s work for some time and couldn’t resist the beautiful necklace which also would carry a lot of sentimental value for …

Weekend Beach Bum.

After our big Cali Adventure, it was hard to get back into the swing of work. So after slogging through the week we decided to spend a day at the beach to relax. We packed up a nice picnic and headed over to our favorite local dog friendly beach, Leo Carrillo State Park beach. Dogs …

Cali Coastal Adventure: Part 5-Heading Home

After a few GReat days in Carmel, e had to head back home to Los Angeles. So we packed up and headed down historic route 101. Route 1 is more scenic if you get a chance to drive it but because of the fires in Big Sur, part of it was closed. I jumped in …

Cali Coastal Adventure: Part 4- Pacific Grove

Welcome back to my Cali Coastal Adventure!   After  a good night’s sleep we headed a little north to a town called Pacific Grove. We took in the views at Lover’s Point. There was a lot going on there that day. The coast here has a lot of interesting rock formations. The whole bay here …