Bath Renovation Roundup.

 When we moved into our house one of the bathrooms was this crazy pink bathroom from 1945…believe me,  that is a lot of pink!   So this year we decided it had to go.  All those TV DIY shows make the demo part look fun but it’s actually the worst…big messes and lots of dust! …

Reno Roundup.

Despite a lot of things going on at work, we’re keeping up with the bathroom renovations. When I am at work I like to hang out and get pets. Here I am  with my human dad  keeping him company. Notice how he has mastered working with one hand and petting me with the other, BOL! …

King of Destruction.

Hello everyone! Sorry I’ve been away for such a long time. We’re still working on renovations here and I am finding it hard to find time to blog these days. The destruction is in full effect now! This was the pink bathroom that HAD TO GO!!! Out came the sledge hammers and the humans got …


Hello! I’m back again! I haven’t been able to do much blogging lately because work at the studio is very busy and the humans are also renovating the house with any spare moment they have. It all started with the idea to rearrange some of the rooms in the house. It should be easy just …

Busy Monday.

 Yesterday I went to the hospital to do my pet therapy rounds so that meant I had to have a bath beforehand. Jessy had one too. She was very good in the shower and stood still to get washed. She got the zooms after she got out, just like I do. We got the house …

Pet Therapy Prep.

Yesterday was my day to go to the hospital and do my pet therapy rounds. That meant bath time the night before. Well, it’s actually shower time for me. I just walk in the shower and get sprayed with the massage sprayer. It feels pretty good. Maybe I should open a chain of dog spas…”Spencer’s …

Lavender Dog.

The night before I go to the hospital to do my pet therapy rounds, I have to have a bath.  They say I  have to look good and smell nice for the humans. I’m a dog…I think I smell fine without lavender shampoo and conditioner! Anyway, it makes all the humans happy so I put …

Spa Day.

Tomorrow morning I go to the hospital again to be a therapy dog. That means I have to have a bath because there are  NO STINKY DOGS  allowed in the hospital. I don’t mind, except that I smell like lavender after my bath. It’s so hot today that I had my bath outside and it …

Week Wrap Up.

It’s been a very busy week at the studio. Most of my adventures have been in the studio this week. In the mornings, before it gets really hot, I like to play hard with the tennis balls. Then I go to work and chill out in the air conditioning and get lots of pets. I …

No Stinky Dogs Allowed.

I have to have a bath every time I go to the hospital for pet therapy…no stinky dogs allowed! I even have a little doggy breathe mint when I get there just for extra freshness. I have to admit, I am not really fond of baths. Oh, I tolerate the humans drenching me with water …