Puppy Party

Late Friday night, a trio of trouble showed up to spend the night. Three 9 week old Golden puppies. You forget how tiny Goldens are when they’re pups…even a soccer ball looks huge. Kona likes to sleep in…he slept through the late night pee breaks but he wasn’t impressed with the 6am wake up call…3 …

Full On-Full Off

Full on… Full off… We’re trying like mad to catch up with everyone as it’s been a very long time since we’ve been able to make the rounds…we’ll get there soon!

Dog Paparazzi

While out on the town, Kona is surrounded by dog paparazzi. Always happy to pose with fans, he patiently gets his picture taken with a tourist. A small break was had after all that work.


Learning to love again starts with trust. It’s almost one year since Kona came to stay with us, as a foster dog, and shortly afterward became part of our family. What a year it has been. We have seen Kona blossom into a loving, fun and most importantly, confident dog. Learning how to trust has …

Coastal Hike

We decided we needed to take a day and spend some quality family time. It was refreshing after months of crazy schedules… which we went back to the next day but at least we felt better:) A marine layer made for a great day for a hike on the coast…not too hot and not too …

Kona’s Bad Week.

Kona had a rough week last week. They say things bad happen in threes and so they did. It started out with Kona getting attacked by another dog, who was off leash. Kona fought back but was outweighed by about 70 pounds (it was a BIG dog) and got the worst of it which was …

Law & Order.

The district attorney presents the main suspect, one Kona the dog, aka “Kona Bean”, “Koko” and ” Koney Baloney” … Who promptly employs the “Look, am I not cute with my frisbee?” defense. Evidence “A” submitted to the jury…one really big hole and debris from said hole… Defendant claims a Mr. 3-legged Fox dug the …


Kona is celebrating passing his Therapy Dog Inc testing… as you can see he’s pretty happy about it. He was already busy with his new job this week,  visiting the hospital, where he is following in Spencer‘s footsteps working with brain trauma and stroke patients in rehab, as well as an afternoon visiting at a …

Therapy Dog Test-Part 1

This past weekend Kona went for part 1 of his Therapy Dog Inc testing. It was evaluations, where potential dogs are put through many tests, which include handling, bite and stress tests, obedience and reaction to people and dogs. The boys practice some healing before Kona’s turn. In this part of the test, another dog …


If you saw the movie “Up” you’ll know what this means…if you haven’t go rent it, it’s awesome. “Squirrel!” “Squirrel!” “Squirrel!” Kona’s girlfriend Chesa joined in the hunt. “Squirrel!”

Kona-East Canyon Hike

After a long work week, Kona’s big adventure this weekend was a hike up the East Canyon Trail in Santa Clarita’s Woodlands Park. Just north of Los Angeles, this is a  3.8 mile trail in the Santa Susana Mountains. The vegetation is lush and the trail winds though three species of oak, bay laurel, black …

Kona-Wacky Wednesday

Kona has a couple of new uses for a frisbee… Frisbee taco… Frisbee headrest… After that silliness we hope to get around to visit all our blog friends soon. Our schedule has been a little wacky and we haven’t been getting much time online these days so we apologize for not being around  lately. We …

Kona-Birthday Hike

Kona sets out on his birthday hike at Wildwood Park in Ventura County. First part of the hike was up the Santa Rosa Trail to the summit of the hills. The view was pretty good even half way up and there were wildflowers and wild oats everywhere. Lots of water breaks, even on a partly …

Kona-Birthday Cake

Kona’s birthday cake. The sniff test. The preliminary tasting. A bigger taste. Nice teeth marks…every cake needs them. Enough with the formalities… getting the party started.