As you may know I love to go exploring. That’s why I love to go hiking. “But Spencer, you live in a humongous metropolis…where can you go hiking?” you may wonder. Well, wonder no more. The Santa Monica Mountains have a lot of trails for hiking in Los Angeles. They are just one of the …
Tag Archives: Los Angeles
Last night was a late night. My humans ended up working all night so I tried to stay up and keep them company. This from a dog that is conked out by 10pm. There needs to be an espresso machine for dogs (note to self: invent dog espresso machine, stay up late nights and surprise …
Daily Walks.
Walks are good. I like walks. I usually get at least 2 a day. My morning walk takes me up and down different streets in my neighborhood and sometimes to the post office. Past the 2 dachshunds on the corner, who bark and bark and bark until I walk up to the fence to say …
My Addiction.
If you have just dropped in you might not know I have a little tennis ball problem…ok, it’s not a problem…it’s an addiction. I LOVE tennis balls! They are the only toy I play with. You can keep your woobies and frisbies, all I need is a tennis ball and I am very happy. I …
Santa Ana Heat.
Oh no, they’re finally here, the Santa Ana Winds, basically hot wind from the desert. They’re late and it’s hot, VERY HOT. Their arrival has changed my daily schedule. Now I get up early for a walk and a play and then when it heats up…siestas ( oh yeah, Happy belated Cinco De Mayo. everyone…I …
I went to my audition yesterday. It was really a zoo…full of dogs…dogs barking, running all over, stealing my tennis balls, dressed in silly costumes and about a million Jack Russell Terriers. To say it was chaos would be an understatement. I just sat under a tree and watched all the pandemonium until it was …
Spencer: TV star?
The big news today is that I got a call to audition for a tv show tomorrow. That’s great news except now I have to have a bath…they are not my favorite thing to do…but at least I’ll look amazing for my audition. I don’t really know much about the show so I’ll have to …
Last night we had BBQ chicken. I love chicken! I also love salmon too but I think I love chicken more. When we BBQ I must sit and protect the chicken so no one tries to steal my chicken! When it’s all done I get my piece cut up and served in my dish to …
Check Up.
On Thursday I went to the vets for a check up. When you’re a senior like me you should go every 6 months. We jumped in the car and headed to Santa Monica. First we made a stop at the dentist’s for the humans to get their teeth cleaned. Actually only one human went so …
The weekend is fun because we get to go places and smell new things. This weekend we went hiking in Griffith Park. It’s big, 4,210 acres so there is a lot of space to hike and other things to see too. You can read all about the park here. There are mice, deer, fox …
Busy Dog.
I am one busy dog. Oh yeah, I really am. This past week was very busy at the studio with lots of clients coming and going. I have to greet each one and give them the pet test. They get bonus points if they pet me. I just sit beside them and telepathically say “Pet …
Dirty Dog.
I’m a dirty dog…a very dirty dog. I love to roll on the grass and snoop in the hedges which all makes me one dirty dog. So they tell me I have to have a bath. Oh, I tolerate it with the smelly soaps and conditioners but I don’t see why I can’t be dirty. …
Grass is a wonderful thing! Nothing beats rolling around on a fresh mowed lawn or even an overgrown lawn for that matter. Grass is also good to pee on except then it turns brown. Then you have to not roll in that part. The best thing to do is have pee grass and roll grass …
Spencer: Superdog!
Today I was a superdog! I had a cape and everything…ok it was actually my blanket tied to look like a cape but still it was fun. My job was watching the chicken grill on the BBQ. Good job huh? I love grilled chicken and roasted chicken and chicken jerky…I just love chicken.After the chicken …
Squirrel Patrol.
Squirrels are sneaky. They try to sneak past me by running across the phone wires in the back but I see them. Sometimes they are careless and come into the yard on the ground. At first I was too obvious but now I hide just inside the door and wait for them. Once they are …
In Search Of Beach.
I like going places. Especially new places, which is easy when you are a dog because we don’t get to go as many places as humans. Too many of those signs with a dog crossed out in the world if you ask me. First I went to Manhattan Beach, not the beach but the city. …
Noise Pollution.
Everyone knows dogs have extremely good hearing, right? So if some noise is annoying you, imagine what I feel like. Which brings me to 2 things that need to be controlled. 1 – leaf blowers OK I know they seem to make things look cleaner but we all know as soon as the dust they …
Spencer’s Soapbox: Dog Guardians.
This month I am working with my humans on a presentation of dog stories from the rescue for their big fundraiser. Which brings me to this: DO NOT GET A DOG UNLESS YOU ARE REALLY PREPARED TO TAKE CARE OF IT! And I mean for it’s whole life, not just a couple of weeks while …
The New Digs Are Done.
We’ve spent the last 2 months building out the new studio for Grind and it’s finally done! I didn’t mind all the hammering and sawing but I’m glad things are cleaned up and somewhat back to normal. The main room is a pretty cool space for me to hang out in. I like the giant …
A Tribute To Raja.
Today it was one year ago that my predecessor, Raja, passed over the rainbow bridge after a battle with bone cancer. So I would like to dedicate today to him. From what I hear, he and I have a lot of similarities: love going new places, love eating roast chicken (ok what dog wouldn’t love …