Week Wrap Up.

It’s been a very busy week at the studio. Most of my adventures have been in the studio this week. In the mornings, before it gets really hot, I like to play hard with the tennis balls. Then I go to work and chill out in the air conditioning and get lots of pets. I …

I Rock…and Roll

Today I am very happy…ok, I am very happy every day but today I was given the “Rockin’ Guy  Blogger” Award by my friend Toffee. He’s pretty a pretty cool guy himself. I’m going to pass this award on to some of my rockin’ friends: Toby  and Lucas, 2 more rockin’ guys! Today is my …

No Stinky Dogs Allowed.

I have to have a bath every time I go to the hospital for pet therapy…no stinky dogs allowed! I even have a little doggy breathe mint when I get there just for extra freshness. I have to admit, I am not really fond of baths. Oh, I tolerate the humans drenching me with water …

Fireworks Are Bad.

On the evening of July 4th it was discovered that I, Spencer, am afraid of fireworks. Who would have thought it? This from a dog that  sleeps deeply in a sound studio listening to crazy noises from movies all day! I have slept through dogs barking, cannon shots, lightening strikes, car tires screeching  and all …

Spencer Therapy Dog.

Well almost…my human mom and I started our processing so I can become a therapy dog at the Northridge Hospital.  This week I went to be  evaluated. They poked and prodded me and even almost ran me over with a wheelchair to make sure I am not a BAD dog and won’t bite any patients. …

Happy Birthday America!

Today is Independence Day here in the USA. That means parades and BBQs….mmmm. I love BBQs because that means I get chicken and I loooovvvve chicken. I am hoping to go to our neighborhood parade this morning if it is not too hot. It’s supposed to be 96F (35.5C) here in our part of Los …

Tagged Yet Again.

  I’ve  been double tagged by Casey and Peanut and  Johann for the random facts tag. This is getting harder to do everytime BOL! I’m going all out this time…everything you need to know about Spencer. First, here are 7 more random facts / habits about little ‘ol me: I am with my humans 99.9% …

I’m Back!

Hello everyone! I’m finally back from my working vacation. It was a very busy week here at the studio. The humans were working on many different projects. That means I had a lot to do too…greeting clients and making sure everyone stayed happy during sessions. I got lots of pets this week! I have a …

A Little Blog Break.

Hi everyone! I am taking a little break from the blog this week because work at the studio is very busy right now. We are working on a lot of movies and television shows. One of them even has a dog in it, just not me! As sad as I am to have to take …

Beach Bum.

Yesterday we went to the beach. Los Angeles has many beaches but dogs are only allowed on a handful, so we went to Leo Carrillo State Beach which is part of a big park of the same name. You can camp and hike in the park and the beach has tide pools and a giant …

A Good Chew.

There is nothing like a good chew to make a dog happy. I like to chew on a special bone treat that is supposed to make my breath smell fresh….it doesn’t work. I have ultra doggy breath. Chewing on the treat is a favorite pastime of mine. When I get the treat I like to …

Hungry Dog.

 When I am hungry a look at my humans with my “feed me face”,  like this… Who could resist this face? Not my humans, I know, it works every time. And then I get something like this… It’s very delicious and makes my lick my lips. This one is roast chicken breast with asparagus and …

The Art of the Roll.

Like many dogs, I enjoy a good roll in the grass. It’s even better if I roll over a few tennis balls while I’m at it. To have a good roll first you must scatter the tennis balls near the rolling spot. Then stretch out on your side and push off with your outer back …

New Charm.

This weekend we went shopping and I got this nifty charm for my collar.   My  humans got it for me at a shop called SkyBluPink in downtown Burbank. It’s a really cool little shop with lots of unique jewelry, clothes and other cool stuff and they made a big fuss over me which got …


I am a dog with a job! I am the official studio mascot for Grind Music & Sound. We make sounds for film and television…well, I don’t make sounds unless they need dog sounds (or growly monster sounds), but you know what I mean. My duties are to greet clients when they come to the …

Father’s Day.

For Father’s Day I thought I’d pay  tribute to my human “father”. He is a  wonderful guy who spends a lot of time with me. We are best buddies… he takes me on lots of adventures, like exploring different parks…  we like to catch some rays at the beach… he takes good care of me …

Cousins Part 2.

This is my cousin Max. He lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It gets very cold there in the winter, but Max likes to play with his frisbee in the snow. (Which reminds me…can someone get my frisbee off the roof!) Max is a purebred Border Collie and has lived with his humans since he was …

Cousins Part 1.

I thought I would introduce you to some of my cousins.  Here are  Deak and Chase. I call them the “low riders”.   They live waaaayyy up north in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Chase was adopted first. When he was a pup, he was flown into Yellowknife from the Fort Smith Animal Society by his …

Fun In The Sun.

I really enjoy being outside, even though I am what they call an indoor dog. (One day  on a walk, a man with a doghouse on the back of his truck asked us if we had a good doghouse. My humans told him the whole house was my doghouse.)  My day  begins with checking out …


Everyone loves puppies! So I thought I’d give you a break from me and give you some puppies… Look at that face! I know you are asking, “Spencer, where did you get the puppies?” They are not mine but one of my humans went on a trip to Bakersfield this weekend to help save them. …