Ancient Instincts.

Last night there was a really good documentary on PBS called “Dogs That Changed The World”, about the origins of dogs and how we evolved to live with humans. Actually it spoke a lot about how humans might not of survived without us. See, I told you we were important! Through evolution dogs have been bred to emphasis certain traits to help humans do things like hunt, herd and protect. Golden Retrievers  are from hunting stock and have heightened senses of smell and hearing to do this. Did you know that if a human can hear a sound a mile away a dog can hear the same sound 4 miles away? That’s pretty good hearing if you ask me. So this morning I was acting on my instincts an surveying my territory for invaders…squirrels and cats mostly.


When I was alerted by my keen sense of hearing that a cat was in the hedges. I set off to investigate.


That sneaky cat had been roaming all over my territory while I was inside eating my breakfast. I could smell him everywhere!


I quickly circled the perimeter to make sure there had been no more breaches…


When I caught site of the cat high tailing it over the fence. I’ll be waiting for your return Mr. Cat!


7 thoughts

  1. That was a great program on the TV, wasn’t it. We watched it the first time it was on. You have very good instincts Spencer, cats are not to be in one yard, fur sure!

    Keep up the good work.

    Woofs, Johann

  2. Hi Spencer,

    Nice photos, very well taken : ) Looks like you’re having fun.

    We checked out the stickerdog website, too bad there’s no shetland sheepdog, hehe.. :p

  3. Hi, Spencer!
    Sure that was a very interesting documentary!
    Make sure that cat doesn’t come back to your territory!
    Kisses and hugs

  4. Hi Spencer!

    I think humans wouldn’t even survive NOW if we weren’t here..who would show them what unconditional love is?

    I love you froggy robe..I think I need one of those…mabye I could get a little pink piglet one…I like pink.

    Love & Licks,

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