Squirrel Patrol.


The squirrels have been extra busy this week…lots of activity. I spend my mornings watching them. I think they are getting ready for winter. Silly squirrels, it doesn’t get very cold in Los Angeles! They spend the whole day running back and forth across the telephone wire collecting nuts.


Sometimes they fight with each other and try and steal food from one another. They make a lot of noise then. It’s quite a show!

7 thoughts

  1. Spencer – I’m back I think…… did you get your post card?

    The squirrels look like fun, our gang would have a field day…

    Hugs etc


  2. Those squirrels are nasty & clever little buggers..I’m not fast enough to catch them…after awhile they just bore me silly…but my mom wants be to become a master squrirrel patrolgirl….they ate all her tomatos this summer! & they eat the oranges off the trees!~ I’m just gonna start charging them….

    Love & Licks,

  3. Hi, Spencer
    I’ve never seen a squirrel in “person” but sure they must be fun to see going and going around your yard!
    Have a nice day

  4. Oh I wish there were squirrels in Malaysia too coz I would love to go after them. And maybe if I do catch one, I will roast it for din dins, Hahahaha!

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

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