Fun In The Sun.

I really enjoy being outside, even though I am what they call an indoor dog. (One day  on a walk, a man with a doghouse on the back of his truck asked us if we had a good doghouse. My humans told him the whole house was my doghouse.)  My day  begins with checking out the yard for any new flowers with my humans. I don’t always look at the flowers though; sometimes I watch the evil squirrel instead.


Then, before it gets really hot out, I get my humans to have a big play. I get right up in their face about it…


and when they start throwing the tennis balls, watch out, I fetch them very quickly…


sometimes I run so fast it looks like I am floating in mid air…


after a big play I relax in the sun before it gets too hot and then we go to work, where I relax in air-conditioning!


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