Evening Walk.


It’s been a rather busy week this week so we haven’t had too many big adventures. We do make a point of having a very nice evening walk every night. It’s best to go just at dusk. That way you can still enjoy all the sights (and smells always!) and it’s not too hot. My neighborhood has lots of big trees, which are good for shade and for dogs to pee on. They say I’m not much of a “marker” but I do occasionally have a sniff to see who has been by lately.


We walk to the post office to mail some letters. I usually wait outside if it’s busy but sometimes I go in when there are not too many  humans there. No one seems to mind and I am very polite and just sit calmly  until we leave.



We meet other dogs on our walk. Usually, they are out for a walk too and we get to have a sniff and a tail wag at each other. Sometimes, if they are BAD DOGS, they have to stay in the yard. Then they bark and bark and bark as we walk by. I look at them and say “I am on a walk and you are not because you are a BAD DOG!”. Once in awhile I will stroll over to the fence and try to say hello.


You can’t see him, but there was a little dog there baring his teeth at me! I tried to be friendly but he kept snarling at me so I barked  at him once and walked on to find nicer dogs. There are many good dogs in our neighborhood so I always find one to say hello to.

2 thoughts

  1. Looks like you are happy to help your master post his mail. Do you often carry the mail for him, too, if he’ll let you? :O}–touchy noseys

  2. Oh don’t be too angry at those poor dogs stuck in their yards. It is not their fault. They are probably bored and lonely, and so they bark and show their teeth. Direct your anger at their humans, who are not treating them as well as you are being treated. :)

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