Kona-Birthday Hike

Kona sets out on his birthday hike at Wildwood Park in Ventura County.

First part of the hike was up the Santa Rosa Trail to the summit of the hills. The view was pretty good even half way up and there were wildflowers and wild oats everywhere.

Lots of water breaks, even on a partly cloudy day.

Kona checks out the view from the top. We came from that path in the middle and will be heading back down to the green hill in the middle where there is a valley and a waterfall.

Looking down into the valley on the way to Paradise Falls.

At the falls, Kona jumps into the creek to cool off. There is lots of shade from oak trees.

Paradise Falls.

Hiking back to the car through a meadow. The peaks in the distance were the ones we scaled earlier.

All that hiking worked up a good appetite so we grilled up a storm of chicken kabobs, asparagus and sweet potatoes. Kona ate his before we could get a picture:)

One contented pup snoring up a storm.

10 thoughts

  1. Happy b’day K-dog. I cannot believe I lived in Santa Barbara for seven years and didn’t know about this place.

    Oh…that was when I did not have a dog! So sad.


  2. Not sure if the hike, the food or the nappin’ looks like more fun.
    Looks like you had a 3 day b-day celebration. YIPEE!!!

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