16 thoughts

  1. Dear Kona,
    You look as if you might speak with a British Bark. I can easily imagine you telling me a bedtime story with a deep British accent.

    “SLeeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!”

  2. So glad you are back posting. We missed all of your adventures. Kona looks so happy and relaxed. it is obvious he loves his new home. Great picture as always!!!

  3. Woof! Woof! Happy New Year! Just got back from my long holiday break. Hope you enjoyed your break too. LOVE your First Wordless Wednesday Photo. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. awww! Kona, that’s a awesome picture!
    hope you guys had a fantabulous holiday =)

  5. Happy New Year to you Kona!!

    I am going to be 18 this year, so this New Year was special for me. My HM spent a lot of time with me and I go a lot of treats!!! Hope your holidays were as good(tasty) as mine!!
    I loved your frisbee picture.

    Golden Grandma

    I have barked at my momma every day since 2010 started to peep at you.
    So glad to see your smiley face.

  7. Happy New Year Kona! I’m happy to see your handsome mug gracing this blog again. Hope you had a wonderful holiday break. Give your mama and pops hugs for us! We’re looking forward to seeing you again in 2010.

  8. BEAUTIFUL picture of Kona!!! We hope you had a great break – missed you but we send big buches of Happy New Year wishes to you! Sammie still loves your frisbee, which is amazing, cause she’s never glommed onto one before!!! Thanks again for a great pressie!
    Hugs xo

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