Joshua Tree Park Adventure Part 2.


Welcome back to my continuing adventure at Joshua Tree Park! When you get to the park there is a nice information center with very helpful park rangers that can give you a map and tell you a lot of great things to see and do. The only bad thing for dogs is that we are not allowed on any trails and can only go within 100 feet of the road or rest areas. It’s ok because you can still see a lot of really amazing things! Besides, you don’t have to worry  too much about  rattlesnakes and other dangerous desert creatures in that safety zone.

The park is made up of 2 desert ecosystems; the upper park (when you enter from Joshua Tree) is the upper Mojave desert. That is where the Joshua trees are and a lot of fantastic rock formations from the fault lines that run through the desert. You can drive through the park which descends into the lower Colorado desert. You can read more about these ecosystems here. Those rocks look small but they were really big…it’s just a camera perspective trick! Me and my great big head…BOL!


In some places, humans can rock climb. Can you see that little, itty, bitty climber? Zoom in! Zoom in!


There they are, way up there!


The Joshua trees flower on the ends of their branches.


I sniffed all around some giant rocks.


All that adventure made me hungry! The humans brought along some sandwiches and treats for me….I helped them eat their chicken sandwiches and they were very tasty!


After lunch we went to explore more and learn all we could about the Joshua trees  .


After that we headed down to the lower desert to sniff…I mean see, all the flowers.

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