Crow Central.


With winter (which is not much different than fall, here in southern California) there is extra activity with the wild life. Particularly squirrels and crows. The squirrels are busy burying anything even slightly edible all over the yard. I saw a fat squirrel trying to carry an avocado that was as big as he  was…it was very funny to watch! The crows are up to something too but I’m not sure what they are doing. They come to the big trees in  giant flocks and sit there all day  yelling “CAW! CAW! CAW!”. They are very loud those  sneaky crows. Sometimes I startle them by running into the hedge and they all take off out of the tree!


5 thoughts

  1. Go chase those squirrels Spencer!!
    It’s funny for me to think of you having christmas in sunny weather – its getting all fristy frosty here now, but ive been wishing very hard for SNOW!Hope you and your grown ups have a chance to listen to my snowy story – its nealy all true!
    Happy holidays Spencer X

  2. If only they were lower down then… You know what I’m gonna say. Hehehe!

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  3. Hi, Spencer
    I’ve never seen a squirrel in my life. But I’ve seen crows. And they are very noisy specially when they all are gathering at the trees in the afternoon. My mom says that they sleep there and “talk” pretty loud before they do that!
    Have a good night

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