Head Down.

all-about-me.jpgI have a great big head. Yep, it’s pretty large and blocky…all the more to love! I use it too, not just for thinking, but to get humans to pay attention to me. If they’re just sitting there talking, blah, blah, blah, I come along and give them a nudge with my great big head and they pet me. Good system right? They’re not using their hands so they might as well make me happy. Sometimes when I want to play ball I walk up to the humans, 3 balls in my mouth,  and push my head into them like a bull until they relent and play. It works every time. I have to be careful because I can push them over but I’m very gentle about it. If there is a hand nearby, my big head will find it and manage to be under it for pets…every time.

8 thoughts

  1. Well, you’d look silly if your head were allsmall like one of those chihuahuahuahuahuas, wouldnt you??
    Great shot of your nose by the way!
    Dog noses are COOL.

  2. Oh.. first of all.. sorry for not visiting u for sometimes.. and i’ve missed so much already.. how is your hotspot.?.. hope is gettting better now.. i have them too..

    U have a great looking head.. for me.. i think mine is too small.. of course not as handsome as yours.. :(( how i wish i can be as handsome as you..


  3. Ha ha! Guess what I’m doing to my mom now? She’s typing away & keeping up with all you doggies & I’m annoying her by sticking my nose under her arm & causing lots of spelling errors! She should learn to type faster! I wanna play!
    Love & Licks,

  4. Hi, Spencer
    You sure are a smart boy! I need to practice your technique! I only do the “sad eyes” and not always work!
    Have a nice day

  5. I don’t think your head is big at all! I mean it has got a good size like mine *ahem* but it’s not very big!

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  6. Spencer, you should meet Althea. She does the same thing!

    If she wants a treat, her head is under her Dad’s arm in no time!!! If she wants her back rubbed, all she does is get her sweet head into her Mom’s arm, almost knocking the coffee over. All for a back scratch.

    But her little sweet face is so cute, M and D can’t help but stop what they’re doing and pay attention to her.

    Since she’s bigger than me, I have to wait my turn.


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