Art Collection.

daisy-pic.jpgMy friends Daisy and Rosie came to visit me this week. They like to go on walks with me and take turns holding the leash.  But it’s been so hot we had to visit in the house. Daisy drew a really great picture of me on a walk. I am chasing a squirrel and it shows that I am a red dog. They put Grind stickers on it too because that’s where I work. I am  building a very nice art collection!

5 thoughts

  1. Hey, big red dog, what a great pic of you!
    Isnt it FROGTASTIC when kids draw your pic? Sometimes i get pics of me with rainbow spots on!
    Sleep tight, sleepy head – you curl up like a kitten!

  2. Awww.. so nice of Daisy to drew u a picture.. but Red dog?… what was that?.. :P
    Mayb Daisy can’t find a golden colour…


    Hi Rossi, Golden Retrievers are known to be red dogs, some of us are redder than others:)

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