Something Smells Fishy.

The other  night we worked late at the studio and then took a trip to Lowes to get some  landscaping supplies for the yard.  I waited in the car but it was ok because it was dark out and the humans were quick because everyone was hungry. On the way home we stopped at the new Howe’s Market in North Hollywood. It’s brand new and has a lot of food choices. We picked up some sushi and sashimi and took it home to eat on the patio.


It was very tasty and I got some salmon  and tuna sashimi…mmmm.


2 thoughts

  1. Hi, Spencer.
    That sushi and sashimi looks deliclious! I’ve never had anything like these. That is another thing I have do talk with my mom about!
    Glad you had some!
    Have a good night

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